''Haven'' is an American/Canadian supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel ''The Colorado Kid'' (2005). The show, which deals with strange events in a fictional town in Maine named Haven, is filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, and is an American/Canadian co-production. It stars Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant, Nicholas Campbell and Eric Balfour, whose characters struggle to help townspeople with supernatural afflictions and protect the town from the effects of those afflictions. The show is the creation of writers Jim Dunn and Sam Ernst. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy.〔 On January 28, 2014, the show was renewed for a split 26-episode fifth season. The first half aired in 2014, with the second half premiering on October 8, 2015.〔 In August 2015, Syfy cancelled the series after five seasons. ==Premise== (詳細はFBI Special Agent Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) is dispatched to the small town of Haven, Maine, on a routine case, she soon finds herself increasingly involved in the return of "The Troubles", a plague of supernatural afflictions that have occurred in the town at least twice before. With an openness to the possibility of the paranormal, she also finds a more personal link in Haven that may lead her to the mother she has never known. Over time, Parker, who has quit the FBI to join the Haven Police Department, begins to realize that her arrival in Haven may have been pre-arranged and that her name and even her memories may not be her own. As the series progresses, she learns more about the mysteries of both Haven and her true identity. She and her partner, police detective Nathan Wuornos (Lucas Bryant), find themselves frequently facing problems caused by both the effects of the Troubles, as well as the activities of town folk who take more drastic measures against those who are Troubled. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Haven (TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク